Financial Health

Planning for the future takes focus and planning. Whatever your goals may be—whether it’s exploring the world, starting a new business, or simply enjoying quality time with your loved ones—take advantage of your Cision benefits to pave the way toward achieving those goals.

Pension Plan

Saving for your future is important so that you can have the retirement you want. As detailed in your contract of employment, you will be enrolled into a pension scheme. This plan is provided by Soderberg & Partners.

The Employee is covered by the Company’s pension and insurance scheme. The Company contributes 7% of base salary and the Employee contributes 2% of base salary each month.

You can choose to contribute more than 2% either as a higher percentage or fixed amount. Should you wish to contribute more to your pension account please get in touch with our brokers, Soderberg & Partners, who can provide advice and request the change directly with them.

We currently offer two pension schemes:

  • SKAT 2: SKAT 2 scheme is tax free. Your pension contributions will not be taxed by payroll.
  • SKAT 7 (§53A Statement): With SKAT 7 pension scheme your contribution is taxed immediately, which means that you won’t be taxed if you choose to take your pension out of Denmark in case leaving the country. Your pension contributions will be taxed by payroll.


All active full-time and part-time employees are eligible for this benefit from your start date. Employees on maternity/parental leave are eligible for this benefit while they are paid by the company.

Pension – counselling meeting

If you would like to have a meeting with Soderberg & Partners to discuss your pension, you can request this by contacting them on the email or telephone number in the contact section.

Other insurances

As part of your pension plan membership we also offer the following insurances to provide additional financial support. All members are eligible for basic cover but can increase their cover level at their own cost.


To increase your cover level for any of these benefits you should contact our brokers, Soderberg & Partners.
+45 33 70 45 50

Office Breakfast and Lunch

The Copenhagen office becomes even more lively than usual when it comes time for a warm and healthy lunch. It is a great place and opportunity for a casual talk with a colleague or a friend, while grabbing a portion of healthy food and drink.

Every employee in Copenhagen can book their lunch in the office until 12pm the previous day.
Your monthly lunch deduction is calculated based on the number of bookings you make compared to the total number of working days in the month. Payroll then deduct this from your monthly salary.

For example, if there are 21 working days:

  • If you book between 15-21 lunches – 400 DKK/month
  • If you book between 7-14 lunches– 200 DKK/month
  • If you book 6 or less lunches – no charge.

Please note that you have the right to opt out of the lunch. This means that you will not have any deductions through payroll, but you will not have the right to take part of the lunch, breakfast and grab snacks or hot/cold drinks at the office. Should you choose to opt out, please reach out to the Office Management team.

Phone Subscription

As a Cision employee you have the right to receive a company phone and subscription plan. As per Danish legislation, employees can use their phone and laptop for personal matters and a Multimedia tax is charged every month via payroll.

New employees should discuss this benefit with Office Management and confirm if they wish to enrol. If so payroll will then be notified and the deduction taken each month via their salary.

You have the right to return the phone at any point of time and request to opt out of this benefit which you can do by notifying Office Management. In such cases Multimedia tax will be removed and not charged via payroll.

Monthly limit for phone subscription plan is 500 DKK.