Financial Health
Planning for the future takes focus and planning. Whatever your goals may be—whether it’s exploring the world, starting a new business, or simply enjoying quality time with your loved ones—take advantage of your Cision benefits to pave the way toward achieving those goals.
Saving for your future is important so that you can have the retirement you want. As detailed in your contract of employment, can be enrolled in the Capital-Forming Benefit and Occupational Pension Scheme.
Captial-Forming Benefit
You can receive a monthly subsidised capital-forming benefit of €40 which can be invested in a bank savings plan, building loan agreement, investment fund savings plan or a comparable form of investment. In addition to this it can also be used for the occupational pension scheme.
All active fulltime and part time employees are eligible for this benefit. The maximum amount of capital forming benefit is €40 per month for a full time employee and part time employees will receive a pro rata amount based on their working hours.
Employees on maternity or parental leave are eligible for this benefit. Temporary employees or employees or LOA are not eligible.
How do I enrol?
You must provide a copy of a contract with the bank signed in wet ink by yourself to the People Operations team (peoplesharedservices@cision.com) by 14th of the month. If it is submitted after this date it will be processed in the next payroll cycle.
The capital–forming benefit will be paid directly to your chosen bank or investment until further notice.

Occupational Pension Scheme
A pension savings policy is taken up by the employer for the employee. The employee can convert a self-defined amount from their gross salary to invest directly into the pension scheme. The company will then pay an additional compulsory contribution of 15% of the deferred amount. << Cision to confirm this last sentence.
All active fulltime and part time employees are eligible for this benefit. The maximum amount of capital forming benefit is €40 per month for a full time employee and part time employees will receive a pro rata amount based on their working hours.
Employees on maternity or parental leave are eligible for this benefit. Temporary employees or employees or LOA are not eligible.
The amount invested is defined by the employee and not based on their working hours.
How do I enrol?
You must provide a copy of the agreed and signed contract with our partner Wurttembergische to the People Operations team (peoplesharedservices@cision.com) by 14th of the month. If it is submitted after this date it will be processed in the next payroll cycle.
Your gross salary will be deducted by the defined amount and transferred to the occupational pension scheme until further notice.

Wurttembergische – Contact Information
To set up a new occupational pension contract you must contact Frank Leineweber on the details below:
Frank Leineweber
Generalagentur Leineweber
Telefon: 06131 5843623
Telefax: 06131 5843624
Mobil: 0171 4806754
Email: frank.leineweber@wuerttembergische.de
^^^ Cision to confirm the website works.
Commuter Reimbursement
We understand that commuting to the office can be a significant expense and that is why we offer a commuting benefit to our employees.
Employees are eligible for up to €58 per month for commuting expenses. This is a non-taxable benefit. Providing the correct documents are submitted and you have registered in advance of making any claim.
This applies only to public transportation and not your own car, taxi or a commuter pool.
Employees must live a minimum of 12km from the office to be eligible for this reimbursement. << Cision to confirm if we should keep/remove.
All active fulltime and part time employees are eligible for this benefit.
Employees on maternity or parental leave, temporary employees or employees, LOA or sabbatical are not eligible for this benefit.
How do I submit my claim?
Before submitting a claim, you must have signed up in advance by notifying peoplesharedservices@cision.com that you would like to enrol in the benefit.
You must submit a scanned copy of the payment to the transport company, an invoice from the transport company, a ticket or any other comparable document that confirms payment to peoplesharedservices@cision.com no later than 14th of the month.
The proof must show the start and destination points and, also the timeframe covered.
The payment will then be processed and be paid to you with your salary.
Claims submitted after this date will not be processed.

Childcare Reimbursement
We know how important childcare is and understand that the cost of this can be substantial so to help support a good work life balance we offer a childcare reimbursement for children up to school age.
All full time and part time employees who pay for childcare through a registered or licenced provider are eligible for this reimbursement, including employees on maternity and paternal leave.
Temporary employees or those on LOA or sabbatical are not eligible.
What type of childcare is eligible for reimbursement?
Reimbursement is available for regular, on going work related childcare for children below school age. The childcare must be by a registered or licenced childcare provider, and cannot be provided by relatives or individuals who do not fall into one of the approved categories.
What can I claim for?
You can clam for up to 50% of your childcare expenses up to a maximum of €250 per child per month. This is tax free providing you follow the claim procedure and submit the correct documents each month.
How do I make a claim?
Employees who wish to enrol in the scheme must notify peoplesharedservices@cision.com of their interest before making any claims.
Claims should be submitted not later than 14th of the month and should include a scanned copy of the payment to the childcare provider, an invoice from the childcare provider or any comparable document that proves the payment. This should be sent by email to peoplesharedservices@cision.com.
Any claims submitted after this date or without the required documentation will not be processed.

Bike Lease Scheme – BW only
Provider – Business Bike, salary sacrifice scheme. Paid over 36 months.
VDU Glasses subsidy – Cision only
If you are required to purchase VDU workplace glasses you can claim a one time amount of €100 as a tax free subsidy.
All active fulltime and part time employees are eligible for this benefit. Student or temporary workers are not eligible.
How do I make a claim?
Employees who would like to claim for this reimbursement must provide a scanned copy of the payment for glasses and a medical certificate attesting to the need to use VDU glasses. This should be scanned and send to peoplesharedservices@cision.com by the 14th of the month.
Only claims submitted by the 14th of the month with the correct documentation will be processed.