Your Physical Health
Which Plan Is Right For Me?
Jack’s Considerations
Jack does not want to spend a lot of money through his payroll contributions because he normally has low medical costs. Because he has no spouse or children, he will be paying the employee only contribution. He simply needs a plan that will adequately cover his anticipated expenses. Jack is interested in the Health Savings Account because it allows carryover of unused funds into the subsequent years.
Jack’s Choice
Jack elects the Saver HDHP Plan based on his expected plan usage and the plan’s cost.
*This amount can be paid with an HSA.
- Under the PPO plan, copays do not count towards satisfying the deductible.
- Under the HDHP plan, funds in a HSA can be used to pay for out-of-pocket costs.
- For the purposes of these illustrations, it is assumed that in-network Aetna CPOSII providers are used.
Jill’s Considerations
Jill’s children, like most kids, have frequent illnesses. These and an occasional accident require somewhat regular visits to the pediatrician or emergency room. Because of this, Jill wants a plan that gives her and her family the flexibility to see physicians at the most reasonable costs.
Jill’s Choice
Jill elects the Choice PPO based on her and her family’s expected plan usage and the plan’s cost.
*This amount can be paid with an HSA.