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Accident Insurance

Accident insurance works to complement your medical coverage — and pays in addition to what your medical plan may or may not cover. Its coverage that provides a financial cushion for life’s unexpected events by providing you with a lump-sum payment (one convenient payment all at once) when your family needs it most. The payment you receive is yours to spend however you like. It pays if you have tests, receive medical services, treatment or care for one of more than 150 covered events as defined in your group certificate.

How does the payment work?

We make payments directly to you. The amount you receive will be on top of any other insurance you might have and you can spend it however you like.

Am I eligible to enroll for this coverage?

Yes, you can enroll both yourself and eligible family members.

Cision has great medical plans, so why do I need accident insurance?

Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere and always when you least expect them. What’s more they can be costly.

Even the best medical plans can leave you with extra expenses to pay or services that just aren’t covered. Things like plan deductibles, copays, extra costs for out-of-network care, or non-covered services. Many people aren’t prepared to handle these extra costs, so having this extra financial support when the time comes may mean less worry for you and your family.

When does my coverage begin?

Right away— your coverage starts on the effective date of your coverage. There are no waiting periods for it to begin.


Please call MetLife directly at 800.GET.MET8 (800.438.6388) and talk with a benefits consultant.

Ready to enroll?

Visit UKG Pro to learn more and enroll in your benefits.