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Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illness insurance works to complement your medical coverage—and pays in addition to what your medical plan may or may not cover. It’s coverage that provides financial support when you or a loved one becomes seriously ill. The payment you receive is yours to spend however you like.

What’s covered under this plan?

If you meet the group policy and certificate requirements, critical illness insurance provides you with a lump-sum payment upon diagnosis of these conditions:

  • Full Benefit Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Partial Benefit Cancer
  • Kidney Failure
  • Major Organ Transplant
  • Heart Attack
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

What happens if I have a recurrence?

Your plan pays an additional benefit (Recurrence Benefit) if a medical condition reoccurs for: a Heart Attack, Stroke, Coronary Artery Bypass Graft, Full Benefit Cancer, and Partial Benefit Cancer. A recurrence benefit is only available if the initial benefit has already been paid for the covered condition. And there is a benefit suspension period (or waiting period) between recurrences.

Am I eligible to enroll for this coverage?

Yes, you can enroll both yourself and your eligible family members.

Cision has good medical plans, so why do I need critical illness insurance?

One of the hardest parts of managing illnesses like Cancer, Heart Attack, or Stroke is providing the support and comfort your family needs beyond the cost of care.

Even the best medical and disability income plans can leave you with extra expenses to pay or services that just aren’t covered. Things like medical plan deductibles and copays, or extra costs for out-of-network care. And if you’re out of work because of a disability, it might be that only some of your income is protected. The average family spends thousands of dollars in times of critical illness and recovery. Many people aren’t prepared to handle these extra costs, so having this extra financial support when the time comes may mean less worry for you and your family.

Can I enroll for this coverage without having to take a medical exam?

Yes. Your critical illness coverage is guaranteed, regardless of your health.


Please call MetLife directly at 800.GET.MET8 (800.438.6388) and talk with a benefits consultant.

Ready to enroll?

Visit UKG Pro to learn more and enroll in your benefits.