When will I see all my benefits in Zest?

You will be able to view all your benefit plans from your first day of employment.

What benefits am I eligible for?

From your first day of employment you are eligible for the following benefits:

  • Pension Plan
  • Life Assurance
  • Health cash plan
  • PMI (Directors and above)
  • Discount dining card
  • Dental insurance
  • Gym Subsidy
  • Virtual GP
  • EAP
  • Eye care test
  • Cision global charitable giving program

You will only see the benefits that you are eligible for.

You can find more details about these in Zest and also here.

Can I make any changes/selections to these benefits?

As a new employee, you will receive an email informing you that you have a 10 day new joiner window where you can make selections and/or change cover levels for your benefits. You can do this by logging into Zest during the 10 days that the new joiner window is open and selecting the level of cover you wish. You should also add your beneficiaries to Zest at this time. Remember to check out after you have finalised your selections.

What if I don’t log in during the new joiner window?

If you don’t log in and make any selections during the 10 day window you will be enrolled on your core benefit plans at the standard level and your dependants cannot be added or the level of cover changed until the next annual enrolment or if you have a life event before then.

When can I add my dependants to my benefit plans?

You can add your dependants when you enrol in the benefits during your new joiner window, at annual enrolment or if you have a specific life event during the year.

What are life events?

These are events that take place during the benefit year which then allow you to make changes to some of your benefit plans. The available lifestyle events are:

  • Birth/Adoption of a baby
  • Marriage or Civil Partnership
  • Divorce/Separation
  • Death of a dependant
  • Start of Maternity Leave
  • Return to Work

In order to request a life event you need to log into Zest and click on change in circumstances on the home page and select the relevant life event. This will then open a window for 10 days when you can add/remove the dependant (depending on the life event) from Dental, Health cash plan or PMI (depending on your eligibility).

What is the annual enrolment window?

The annual enrolment window is a period of time each year (usually in March) when you can review and make changes to your benefits, such as adding or removing dependants or changing the level of cover you have.

When is the payroll cut off each month?

Payroll cut off is 16th of each month.

What is the effective date of my benefit changes?

This depends on when the selection or change has been made. Any selections/changes made by 16th of the month will be effective from 1st of the following month. Changes made after the 16th will be processed in the next months pay run and effective from the month following this.

  • e.g. a change made on 12th of June will be effective from 1st July
  • e.g. a change made on 18th June will be effective from 1st August

What are “Anytime” benefits?

These are benefits that you can select at any time during the year. The benefits are:

  • Pension – you can change your contribution level at any time
  • Discount Dining – you can order a Taste card at any time
  • Cycle to work – you can start a 12 month hire agreement with Cyclescheme at anytime during the year
  • Gym Subsidy – you can claim up to 50% of your monthly gym membership (£25 max) each month during the year.

How do I add/update my beneficiaries for life assurance?

To add or update your life insurance beneficiaries you should go to the home page>my family>update family details>my beneficiaries>add a beneficiary.

I’d like to increase my pension contributions how do I do this?

You can change your pension contributions at anytime by going to my benefits, selecting pension and updating the contribution to the level you wish.

There is an issue with a benefit deduction on my payslip, who do I contact?

You should contact payroll in the first instance if you have any queries about your payslip. Email payrolluk@cision.com.

How do I make a claim?

To make a claim on any of your benefits you should contact the provider directly using the claims information in the benefit section under My Benefits. You can also find the information here.

I need to contact the benefit provider, where can I find their details?

You can find the provider’s information in “My Benefits” then in each individual benefits section. You can also find the information here.

What happens when I leave?

All benefits end on your last day of employment with Cision.

Who do I contact if I still have questions about my benefits?

If you still have any unanswered questions please contact employeebenefits@cision.com.

Ready to enroll?

Visit Zest to learn more and enroll in your benefits.